Thorsten Fuchshubers »Rackets« in der Zeitschrift »Kontradikce«

In der Ausgabe V/2 (2021) der Zeitschrift Kontradikce. A Journal for Critical Thought erschien jüngst eine auführliche Besprechung über Thorsten Fuchshubers Studie Rackets von Florian Ruttner:

»[T]he theory of rackets, to which the present book is a contribution that sets a new standard, is a way of uncovering how archaic moments are still in force in today’s society and how domination in an ever-changing guise is perpetuated. Until this state of the affairs is abolished, one feels the urge to chime in with Monty Python’s Dennis (cut short by his sovereign King Arthur): ›That’s what it’s all about if only people would…‹« [Weiterlesen]