»a significant work«: Matthew Stibbe über »Gegen den Geist des Sozialismus«

Matthew Stibbe besprach für das Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism Olaf Kistenmachers Essay »Gegen den Geist des Sozialismus«; darin heißt es u.a.:

»Kistenmacher’s book is to be welcomed as a significant work of excavation in respect to minority left voices against antisemitism in Weimar Germany. During this period, it was possible for some Marxists and anarchists to condemn antisemitism not just as a ›socialism of fools‹, the phrase sometimes wrongly attributed to prewar SPD leader August Bebel, but more fundamentally as a counterrevolutionary force requiring unceasing and direct political confrontation. In so doing, they had to wage an uphill struggle in the face of racist tendencies inside the KPD, which either downplayed antisemitism or instrumentalized it in the interests of Parteikommunismus